Obesity and its causes

Problem Of Obesity And How To Keep It In Check

Human bodies come in all shapes and sizes and so does beauty. Our intention is not to reinforce any
particular social standard of attractiveness. Obesity is often the first warning sign that chronic
disease is building up under the surface of the body.

Weight sits like a spider at the center of an intricate, tangled web of the health and disease. Strands in that web include heart disease, strokes, several types of cancer, diabetes, arthritis and many more unpleasant and sometimes life threatening condition. Maintaining a healthy body weight is therefore in our best interest if we want to remain vital.Active and glowing with the beauty that good health conveys for decades to come.

This is not to say that a healthy weight is a guarantee of health. If you are someone who maintains a
lean body without much effort, you may think you are better off, but it’s not necessarily true. You could
still have heart disease, diabetes or cancer developing in your body, even though you don’t yet have a
visible warning sign telling you how sick you are.

It is defined by body mass index (BMI) and further evaluated in terms of fat distribution via the waist–hip ratio and total cardiovascular risk factors.

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Beat Obesity With Biocity Healthcare

Biocity Healthcare provides great full body checkup packages that allow you to keep your health in check. Testing for blood sugar levels and other diseases that occur with the onset of obesity can be kept under a check with regular health checkups.

To book a checkup at home, click here.

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