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5 Ways to Live a Healthier Lifestyle in 2022

When someone said health is wealth, they knew exactly what they were talking about. Health is the most important thing in the world and thanks to Covid-19 that we all have realised that the hard way. Everybody wants to lead a healthy lifestyle but only few are successful. Most people fail because they do too much in so little time that they end up overexerting themselves. The key is to be consistent and to remember that slow and steady wins the race.

This article will explore 5 healthy habits that you must adopt in order to become a better and a healthier version of yourself.

  1. Stay Hydrated (Drink your Water)

“8 glasses of water per day” – you have been hearing this very same line your entire life and there is absolutely no doubt that drinking water is important for a healthy living. However, do you know how drinking enough water actually benefits us?

  • It helps in maintaining the balance of body fluids
  • It can help in controlling the intake of calories
  • It energizes the muscles and lubricates the joints
  • It makes your skin look good
  • It helps your kidneys in removing toxins from your body
  • It helps maintain normal bowel function

        2. Mindful Eating

The fast-paced life and changing lifestyles are the reasons behind a shift in the dietary patterns which is negatively impacting the consumption of healthy diets. We are not paying enough attention to what we are eating anymore. Although, processed and ready-to-eat food packets are tempting and saves time, we do not realise how unhealthy it is for our bodies.

For a healthy lifestyle, a balanced diet is a must. When you consume foods that are rich in nutrients, your body functions smoothly by boosting your immune system. Adding leafy greens, fruits, fresh vegetables, whole grains and healthy fats to your diet is a must. Eating mindfully is not only about watching out what you are eating, it also involves being mindful about how much you are eating.

        3. Exercise Regularly

Being physically active should be a part of your healthy lifestyle routine. It improves the cardiovascular and muscular health, helps in fighting diseases and improves the quantity and quality of sleep. Apart from weight management, it also helps in producing ‘feel good’ hormones that lower the stress levels and improves your mood.

Working out for at least 150 minutes per week is more than sufficient to stay healthy. You do not necessarily have to indulge in heavy or intense workouts to reap the benefits, you can also perform low-impact workouts to lead a healthy lifestyle.

        4. Prioritize Sleep

This sedentary lifestyle has made it almost impossible for us to catch up on our sleep and it has also affected the quality and quantity of the sleep. The short-term impact of getting less sleep at night could be just a headache. However, in the long run it can affect both mental and physical health.

Getting enough sleep each night is of paramount importance when you want to live a healthy life. 7-8 hours of sleep is believed to be sufficient for adults and 8-9 hours for teenagers.

Few things you should swear by if you want to improve the quality and quantity of your sleep:

  • Sleep and wake up at the same time every day
  • Avoid screen time at least 1 hour before bedtime
  • Avoid caffeine consumption after 3 pm
  • Avoid afternoon naps
  • Regular exercise

         5. Invest in your Mental Health

Leading a healthy lifestyle does not only mean taking care of your body, it also means to take care of your mind. Your mind controls your body which is why it is very important that your mental and physical health are in alignment. Taking out time for yourself is crucial for your mental health. Many studies have shown that meditation helps in improving brain health. Other than meditation, going for nature walks or performing any sort of physical activity can affect your mood positively and lowers stress and anxiety. You can also make journaling a part of your bedtime routine.

When these 5 healthy habits become a part of your healthy lifestyle routine, you will definitely feel more energized and positive throughout the day. It will also reduce the number of visits that you make to your doctor. 

Developing and maintaining a healthy lifestyle requires patience and consistency, so if you ever feel like giving up just remember why you started in the first place.“Health is a priceless wealth. Invest while you can.” – Bryant McGill.

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